December 2012
Deck The Heights
Every season we spend a good amount of money for holiday lights. The Board is eager to hear feedback on the neighborhood services that we currently manage especially the lights. Please let us hear from you. In addition, if you notice any holiday decorated areas that are not coming on at night or going out during the day, please contact our community manager. The companies that we hire want to make sure we are satisfied.
Looking Back
We (Connie & Deb) decided to volunteer as Board members for 2 reasons. Connie, an established homeowner wanted to see social changes in the neighborhood. Deb, a new homeowner wanted to get to know her neighborhood. This is what we’ve learned… It takes more than just the Board members to manage Barrington Heights.
Ideally, everyone that lives here needs to look at the entire neighborhood as an extension of their home. Areas that need everyone’s attention are a broken sprinkler head in a common site, a tree limb that’s down, burned out street lamps or anything that doesn’t seem right. PLEASE report it. Do not hesitate. This helps all of us. Be that conscientious homeowner and contact Stacy, our property manager.
Make it even easier! Add Stacy’s phone number and e-mail to your mobile device. Now it’s right at your fingertips. See a problem? Call or e-mail. How easy is that?! Thank you in advance.
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Lots of fun, new activities are happening in our neighborhood. Are you receiving the quarterly newsletter via e-mail? If not, please contact Stacy. Spouses and or partners don’t always share electronic info. We’ve heard that some of the wives or partners are not getting the newsletter. There’s room in our database for 2 e-mail addresses per home so be included.
Reminder – LADIES HOLIDAY PARTY, Tuesday December 11th. Check your November newsletter for all the details. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!