July 2014
Help Barrington Heights become Firewise!
Please join Oregon Department of Forestry, Oregon Dept. of Transportation, & Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue in making your home as fire safe as possible on this Firewise cleanup day event!
Date: July 19th
Time: 8:00am – 5:00pm
- Meet at the cul-de-sac located at Beacon Hill and Imperial Drive. Refreshments will be provided
- TVF&R demonstration of wildland fire vehicles & equipment
- ODF, TVF&R, and ODOT will be clearing a Fire Break along ODOT property adjacent to Barrington Heights homes on this day
- ODF and TVF&R will be available to homeowners for help demonstrating use of chainsaws, pruning equipment, and to answer any questions you may have
- Place any debris at the end of your driveway by the end of the day July 19th for chipping and removal.
Annual Meeting Date Set
The date for the next annual meeting is scheduled for January 13th, 2015.
Street Trees and Sidewalk Repairs
The Board of Directors is requiring all missing street trees be replaced and sidewalks that are currently a trip hazard be repaired or replaced by no later than July 1, 2014.
There are many vendors that replace and/or grind sidewalks in your area.
- Concrete Flatwork Perfexon Construction Inc – Ph. 503-701-7174- recently installed the sidewalk at the Salamo entrance of Barrington Heights
- Coast Pavement (Ken VanDomelen) – Direct Phone: 503-619-2552 – Cell: 503-319-3860
- Pavement Maintenance (Erica Savadow-Pope) – Phone: 503 257 9257
- Springer Construction (Steve Shaw) 503-209-7059
- Jeff & Sons (Jeff Conklin) 503-538-8156
- Terry Rinkes Tractor Work 503-519-4561
A list of West Linn approved street trees and information about the Covenants Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R) requirement regarding the street trees can be found on our Street Trees page. Our Sidewalks page has information about sidewalk issues and helpful tips for repair, as well as a sample Public Works permit for sidewalk repairs.
Please contact Stacy Bloos with The Management Trust by email or call her at 503-670-8111 ext. 247 with any questions.
Upcoming meeting dates
- 8/13/14 Board meeting
- 10/8/14 Board meeting