June 2012
May Newsletter
Our second electronic newsletter should have reached your e-mail inbox on May 3rd. We’ve received quite a few positive comments but would appreciate more feedback. Please share your ideas and/ or any articles that our neighborhood would be interested in.
We’re proud to say that 185 newsletters were sent electronically and only 74 were printed and mailed via US Postal Service. Thanks for providing us with your e-mail address and for contributing to a second year of no increases in annual dues.
Schools Out
School is out in June. Please be aware of our kids on skateboards, bikes and walking their dogs. Watch for adults as well.
Main Entrance Landscape Update
Many thanks to Sue Jones for keeping our costs in line on the main entrance landscape repairs.
A standing ovation for 2 homeowners that reported a broken irrigation zone in the island at the intersection of Barrington and Beacon Hill. Dennis 7 Dee’s responded immediately.
If you notice a problem with any landscaping issue whether it be irrigation or plants and trees in the common areas, please contact Sue.
Imperial Drive Entrance
Delivery trucks continue to cause damage to the landscaping and hardscaping at the Imperial entrance. A new sign has arrived and will be installed soon. The sign will direct trucks to use the main entrance on Salamo. Please keep reminding all delivery drivers to use Barrington’s main entrance.
Community Events
West Linn
River Heritage Day – June 23rd at Willamette Park. Celebrate West Linn’s rich history along the Willamette and Tualatin Rivers. Free displays and activities open at 10 am at the foot of 12th Street, near the bank of the Willamette. willamettefalls.org/2012festival
Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts – June 22 thru 24. Over 350 juried artists displaying their work at George Roger’s Park. www. lakewood-center.org
Festival of Balloons – June 22 thru 24. Family activities with early morning balloon launch. www.tigardballoon.org