March 2016
To all Barrington Heights homeowners:
In the next few weeks, PGE is scheduled to be in your area cutting branches ways from the high-voltage lines that serve our neighborhood. Trees near power lines in back or side yards are scheduled for another time. Please keep in mind that tree maintenance is important to everyone in our community. Even if you have underground service, at some point near your home your undergound lines connect to our overhead system.
This work, like all of PGE maintenance programs, will be done at no extra expense to you. There should not be an interrruption to your electric service unless an emergency situation arises.
Thank you for your support of this very important maintenance program.
Upcoming Board Meetings
Dates for upcoming Board meetings: March 2nd, April 6th, and May 4th. Unless otherwise noted, all Barrington Heights Board of Director meetings will take place on the first Wednesday of the month at the West Linn Adult Community Center at 7pm
“BH in the Know” Social Media circles
We recommend and encourage our homeowners to join Nextdoor and “like” our Facebook page, Both of these sites are updated regularly to keep you “in the know”.