May 2012
- “Close To Home” – Barrington Heights Real Estate Activity. The last 4 months have shown more new listings coming on the market as well as sales, so things are improving. As of April 11, 2012 we currently have 9 active listings ranging in price from $419,900 to $1,975,000. Average days on market are 159. Average price per square foot is $152.00. We currently have 2 pending sales.
As of April 11, 2012 we have 7 properties that have sold ranging from $392,500 to $1,000,000 in the last 4 months. Average days on market are 104. Average price per square foot is $131.00.
- Annual West Linn Skatepark Slalom Race. Skateboarders of all ages and abilities will carve and turn around cones placed throughout the skatepark. Laps will be timed wirelessly for accuracy and fun!
Come to the West Linn Skatepark on Saturday, May 21st. Course will be set up from 4:00 pm for practice runs and race will start at 5:00 pm.
Entry: $10 – Protective body armor & helmets required. Registration will also be on site day of event.
- Newsletter. The May newsletter is on its way to your inbox. Always open to suggestions and comments.
- ODOT/PGE Industrial Scale Solar Power Plant Update. This 13,000 panel (each 4’x8’) installation will cost about $20m with a payback period, estimated by ODOT, of over 100 years. It is planned alongside I-205 due south of Barrington Heights. PGE and ODOT are having a hard time funding it. They will not pay for it themselves, out of ODOT’s budget (it is operationally broke) or from PGE private sector funds. Thus, the project is on hold for money. I have spoken to both Maria Pope, CFO of PGE, and Jim Whitty, Manager Office of Innovative Partnerships & Alternative Funding at ODOT, and they both affirmed they are still trying fund and to build this power plant.
- I-205 Trail Update. The trail planned for the ODOT land adjacent to Barrington Heights (exit/entry on Imperial Drive across from Manchester Ct) is still a very active project in West Linn’s Parks and Rec. dept. ODOT says it is not involved though it funded the $210k design project with Stimulus/ARRA $. Barrington Heights concern is regarding fire hazards and personal and property security remain unresolved—even somewhat unconcerned by the city. BHTNA neighbors have researched and suggested an alternate route on the south side of I-205 where emergency access is available from both sides of the trail and no houses are threatened (report available). The city seems uninterested in this location. No updates/communication have been received from the city since February 15, 2012. Last July BHTNA neighbors blocked the city’s request to METRO to fund the trail’s cost of $1.55m/1.6 miles (7,920 ft) or >$180/linear foot. Plus, there is no provision in West Linn’s budget for maintaining this expensive, paved trail post-construction.
BHTNA neighbor involvement is critical to stopping, moving, or postponing these projects. Please contact me, Steve Garner, at sbgarner@e-m-a.com. I am President of the Barrington Heights Tanner Woods Hidden Creek Estates Neighborhood Association (BHTNA).